
Oil quilt detail

The air we breathe rips at our lungs, detail about 25 x 40 cm

Somehow, despite the number of essential sudoku games, online jigsaw puzzles, &c. progress is made and the quilt is nearing completion.


Oil quilt

Oil quilt detail, about 40 x 50 cm

Most of this was complete months ago, just doing borders now. If the text seems topical, October 31st 2023, it’s because the people in charge in the west never stop bombing some poor brown folk somewhere in West Asia, Africa or Central America, or anywhere else they fancy.


Toys and Models

I finally got round to painting one or two models, using a tiny amount of acrylic, two coats.  I don’t supply paint in the kits but they are very cheap, at pound shops and such.  Models are on sale at Basically  Wooden.


Paddle Ship

Greek Boat